Do you lawfully carry on an economic activity in a commune or canton (place of origin) and have you encountered any difficulties in carrying on your activity in another commune or another canton (place of destination)?
Are you being discriminated against in the exercise of your economic activity outside of your place of origin when compared with local competitors?
Have you been discriminated against as a non-local supplier in a bidding procedure organised by a commune or a canton?
Are you aware of any public contract that has been awarded to a local supplier without a public bidding procedure?
Are you aware of any bid rigging?
In order to fulfil its role as the guardian of Internal Market Act, the Competition Commission relies on reports from businesses. You should report the matter to the Competence Centre for the Internal Market in the ComCo Secretariat by post or email ( You should attach or enclose copies (not originals) of all the relevant documents, and of the following in particular, if available:
- Licences from your place of origin
- Rulings from cantonal or communal authorities
- Correspondence with the authorities
- Cantonal or communal legislation
- Tender documentation
The ComCo Secretariat will examine your report and decide whether and how it will respond. If a violation of the Internal Market Act has occurred, ComCo and its Secretariat have various options and instruments available to ensure that the authorities concerned implement the Internal Market Act correctly. ComCo has the right to appeal against a decision taken by the cantonal or communal authorities (Art. 9 para. 2bis IMA).
Please note that ComCo and its Secretariat act in the public interest to ensure that the internal market functions properly, and not in the private interest of the person filing a complaint. This means that ComCo and its Secretariat do not act as your legal counsel or representative in administrative and court proceedings. If ComCo files an appeal, it does so in its own name and not as your representative.