Merger notification
Merger Notification Explanatory Note and Form
This document is only available in German, French and Italian (please change the language at the top right of this page for the document's link).
Note on the notification and evaluation practice of mergers
This document is only available in German, French and Italian (please change language at the top right of this page for the document's link).
ICN Merger Notification and Procedures Template (February 2015)
This template is intended to provide background on the jurisdiction's merger notification and review procedures.
Form for the notification of restraints of competition
From 1 April 2004, the following form may be used to file notifications under Article 49 paragraph 3 (a) ACart or under the transitional provisions of the amendment of 20 June 2003 at the Secretariat of the Competition Commission.
The notification form is only available in German, French and Italian.
Leniency application form
The following document provides guidelines on how to file an application for leniency under Article 49a paragraph 2 ACart.
Incomplete exchange rate pass-through
This document is only available in German, French and Italian (please change language at the top right of this page for the document's link).