
Laura Melusine Baudenbacher Präsidentin
Laura Melusine Baudenbacher, President

Partner in a law firm based in Zurich and Brussels

Declared interests

Igor Letina Mitglied
Igor Letina, Vice President

Associate Professor of Microeconomics at the University of Bern

Declared interests

Danièle Wüthrich Vizepräsidentin
Danièle Wüthrich-Meyer, Vice President

Former judge of the Cantonal Supreme Court Bern

Declared interests

Florence Bettschart-Narbel Mitglied
Florence Bettschart-Narbel, Member

Attorney-at-law, former head of the Politics and Law Section in the Central Secretariat of the Fédération Romande des Consommateurs FRC

Declared interests

Nicolas Diebold Mitglied
Nicolas Diebold, Member

Professor of Public and Economic Law in the Law Faculty at the University of Lucerne

Declared interests

Mikael Huber Mitglied
Mikael Huber, Member

Responsible for financial and tax policy, digitisation at the Swiss Union of Arts and Crafts 

Declared interests

Pranvera Këllezi Mitglied
Pranvera Këllezi, Member

Attorney-at-law in the canton of Geneva

Declared interests

Isabel Martínez Mitglied
Isabel Martínez, Member

Economist (post-doc) at the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich, former economist at the Swiss Federation of Trade Unions SGB.

Declared interests

Rudolf Minsch Mitglied
Rudolf Minsch, Member

Chief Economist and Executive Board member, economiesuisse

Declared interests


Gerd Muehlheusser Mitglied
Gerd Mühlheußer, Member

Professor of Economics, especially Microeconomics, with a focus on Industrial Economics at the University of Hamburg

Declared interests

Mauro Nicoli_Member
Mauro Nicoli, Member

Partner in a Swiss law firm

Declared interests

Martin Rufer Mitglied
Martin Rufer, Member

Schweizer Bauernverband SBV

Declared interests